NM Community BigBlueButton Project

NM Education Leaders, Status update: alpha testing only, server broken, audio/video down, screen sharing still up open to public (05-02-20; 09:26pm)Status update: server on hiatus until STUN malfunction and browser inter-operability issues are fixed (Winter 2020) I have created a NM Community Big Blue Button instance and it is open for testing. The NM Community…

Digital Learning

Friend, Thanks for calling on me to provide a few suggestions about how I approach digital learning, blended learning, online learning, distance learning, etc. Yes, lots of terms over the years, so forgive me for jesting, but overall I break down the approaches into two groups (synchronous/asynchronous) and I have a few primary collaborative add-ons…

Word Press Multi-Site

Fellow educators, free software hackers, and other community members, I have begun the #LiDA103 course and I am posting this new feed to see if syndication is working and to “declare myself.” Here goes! I am a math teacher at SF Community College, do contract work as an IT Consultant at Schaefer IT Consulting under…

JavaScript licenses